Course List View
X-Ways 1 - X-Ways 1
DF101 - Digital Forensics & Data Analysis 101
CCE - Certified Computer Examiner Bootcamp
CELLBIT - Cellebrite Basic InsEYEts Training
X-Ways 2 - X-Ways 2
M365G - M365 & Google Vault
DFIR T1 - DFIR Tier 1 Foundation
DFIRT2 - DFIR Tier 2 Responder
DFIRT3 - DFIR Tier 3 Incident Response
WOFA - Windows OS Forensic Artefacts
AWCX - Adv Win DFIR using CyberTriage and X-Ways
EDDE - eDiscovery and Digital Evidence
MHDD - Data Recovery MHDD
Nuix Core - Nuix Workstation Forensic Practitioner Core
Nuix Foundations - Nuix Workstation Forensic Practitioner Foundations
CCO - CCO Inseyets
CCPA - CCPA Inseyets
Nuix Win - Nuix Workstation Forensic Practitioner Windows
CASA - CASA Inseyets
CPT - Cellebrite Pathfinder Training
CCIO - Cellebrite Collector and Inspector Operator
Calendar Note
It went through such rapid contortions that the little bear was forced to change his hold on it so many times he became confused in the darkness, and could not, for the life of him, tell whether he held the sheep right side up, or upside down